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Vocabulary cards 1 visiting new places, shopping forclothes,watching sport on TV z nineteen eighty-seven,nineteen ninety-eight,two thousard and nine, fwentytwelve (two thousand and welve) 3short, right, easy,interesting + What, Who, Where, When / Whattime5 How much was your car? How many people were there?o takephotos , rprfi a car, stay in a hotel z See ffiffHffiSB p114. 8ride a bike, play the guitar, speak Germans unhappy, terrible /awful, empty, old 10 go to the beach,go sightseeing, go for a walk11 eight hundred and fiftythousand, seven million, fifteenthousand, four hundredand fifty 12 Students'answers 13 April thefirst, May thesecond, June the third, July the fourth tt chat tofriends,book a holiday download music '15 S"e ffi SB plf 6.16 lt'sin New Road. It's on the right. It's near the caf. 2ff7e9595c